English Speaking Counselling & Psychotherapy in Brittany France
'Access English Speaking Counselling'
Tower Counselling now offer all of our counselling and psychotherapy services in Morbihan, Brittany.
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Quality, Affordable, Accessible
Тауър консултиране предлагат индивидуално консултиране, консултиране на двойки и взаимоотношения, управление на гнева, консултиране за пристрастяване и посредничество на англоезични хора в района на Морбиан в Бретан. В тази клиника работим с лица от 16-годишна възраст нагоре и всички са добре дошли, независимо от възрастта, пола, етническата принадлежност, сексуалните предпочитания, културата или вярата. Ако клиент се нуждае от по-специфичен тип лечение, е достъпно електронно или телефонно консултиране.
Our Clinic is near Josselin, in Brittany
Counselling and psychotherapy relieves a range of symptoms including anxiety, depression and self destructive behaviours that can cause shame and guilt often resulting from addiction. In therapy with us you are encouraged to talk about your feelings, thoughts and behaviours, to find ways to move forward through a difficult period in your life. Counselling and psychotherapy at Tower Counselling allows you to work towards acceptance during times of illness, loss or bereavement. Counselling and psychotherapy increases your ability to manage and cope with an ongoing situation such as pain or stress of caring for a sick family member. Counselling and psychotherapy enhances your self-awareness to enable you to articulate the things that influence your behaviours and feelings, and the ways you can affect them positively in the future. This will be done in your own time, when you feel comfortable to do so, and there will be no demands placed on you on what you have to talk about. Together, we can untangle the confusion, make changes or find ways to cope and resolve your difficulties. This will take time, and more than one session is usually required.
If you are an ex-pat living in or close to Brittany you can access all of Tower Counselling services. Telephone or
us for more details