La faible estime de soi et la confiance en soi sont une opinion globale de vous-même. Le niveau d'estime de soi que nous possédons peut affecter tous les aspects de la vie, y compris le type de personnes que nous attirons, la carrière que nous construisons, les relations, etc. Contrairement à ce que les gens peuvent croire, la confiance en soi n'est pas la même chose que l'estime de soi. La confiance en soi est fondée sur la réussite, tandis que l'estime de soi est fondée sur l'opinion.Par définition, la faible estime de soi est un terme utilisé en psychologie pour refléter l'évaluation globale d'une personne ou l'appréciation de sa propre valeur. L'estime de soi englobe les croyances et les émotions telles que le triomphe, le désespoir, la fierté et la honte. La confiance en soi est le concept socio-psychologique qui se rapporte à l'assurance de soi dans son jugement personnel, sa capacité, son pouvoir, etc., se manifestant parfois de manière excessive.Même s'il y a une séparation entre l'estime de soi et la confiance en soi, elles vont de pair. en main car ils doivent faire face à la vision de soi-même. Cependant, il est possible pour quelqu'un d'en avoir plus que l'autre. Les problèmes d'estime de soi et de confiance en soi sont plus courants dans la vie des gens que ce que la plupart pensent. Ce sont des problèmes très intimes que la plupart des gens ignorent et ne discutent pas ouvertement, parfois ils sont si profondément affectés par eux qu'ils choisissent littéralement de se cacher du monde pour éviter toute vue extérieure de leur auto-réflexion. Pour faciliter la lecture, nous nous concentrerons principalement sur l'estime de soi, car il s'agit davantage d'un problème interne.
• Questioning your capabilities, doubting and worrying
• Social withdrawal
• Lack of social skills and self-confidence
• Eating disorders
• Accentuating the negative
• Self-neglect and worrying whether you have treated others badly
• Inability to accept compliments
• Negative self-talk
• Frequently apologising
• Avoiding risks
• Avoiding eye contact
• Constantly seeking approval from others
• Pessimism
Research has found that people with genuine low self-esteem tend to treat themselves badly, although such treatment is not extended to other people. Surprisingly, it is now clear that too high self-esteem or 'High Self Esteem Disorder' is often more of a problem, and this is not merely a disguised form of low self-esteem, as commonly thought. Reliable researching shows that bullies and many criminals are much more likely to suffer from unrealistically high self-esteem and impulse control problems rather than low self-esteem. An exaggerated sense of entitlement, expecting much from many situations, is more likely to lead to frustration and aggressive, antisocial, or even criminal behaviour. So it is imperative that a realistic balance is made with this.
Past conditioning, often from childhood or past experiences, has been the main cause of self-esteem issues. These conditions can run so deep that people with low self-esteem can be upset by disconfirming feedback. An adult who has healthy self-esteem may have been lucky to be given this gift during childhood. This could have been done in many ways. The most important is being praised for accomplishments. Children who were talked to respectfully and listened to also are likely to have had healthy self-esteem in adulthood. These children were hugged often, given attention and some may have experienced success in school or sporting activities.
On the other side of the spectrum, adults with low self-esteem may have been criticised harshly as children. They may have been abused, yelled at, beaten, or given little attention by those they were closest to. They may have been ridiculed and teased as they experienced failures in their young lives, making them see failure in those situations as a failure of their whole selves and feeling that they had to be perfect in order to be valued.
Healthy self-esteem needs to emerge gradually, not instantaneously. Contrary to popular opinion, people with low self-esteem tend to be very sure of themselves, which lies the problem. This manifests in their conviction that they are worthless or inadequate.
Creating higher self-esteem and self-confidence is a complicated area but there is hope, remember that you could be wrong about how you view yourself. Drugs are not really effective in the treatment of this particular issue, as there is no pill to help you feel better about yourself or that will take a permanent hold on your self-view.
As it is important to gradually build, or lower, your self-esteem, simply talking to someone who will listen can help tremendously. An open ear may allow you to open your mind to the real you. It is important to learn new ways to challenge your negative perceptions about yourself and unlearn unhelpful patterns of thinking. Counsellors and Psychotherapists can assist you in combating self-esteem and self-confidence issues. They can provide you with the therapeutic support that you need. Counselling Therapy can help you to Review, Retrain, Prove and Recognise.