Програма за последваща помощ

Последващи грижи и рецидиви

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In order to help you remain drug free and sober in the long term we offer a full aftercare and relapse prevention programme to all our clients

What is relapse prevention?

Relapse описва процеса, при който бивш наркоман, алкохолик или комарджия избере да се върне към предишното си пристрастяване. Процесът на рецидив е сложен и често се задейства от асортимент от сложни емоционални и психологически тригери. Всъщност психологическият акт на рецидив предхожда физическия акт на рецидив често от два или три дни. Рецидивът започва като несъзнателен акт от името на възстановения наркоман и такъв, който е трудно да се избегне при липса на научени стратегии за справяне, план за предотвратяване на рецидиви или при постоянна професионална подкрепа. Когато има вероятност да се случи рецидив, ще настъпят редица промени в поведението на възстановения наркоман. Първата стъпка към рецидив се нарича емоционален рецидив. Ранни признаци на рецидив Признаците на емоционален рецидив включват: Вредни промени в хранителните навици Смущение на съня Изтощение Емоционална изолация Нашите пациенти се учат по време на рехабилитация на жилища как да внимават за горните признаци. Това позволява на нашите пациенти да предприемат ранни действия и по този начин предотвратяват развитието на рецидив.

Relapse progression

If emotional relapse is not dealt with appropriately a process known as mental relapse will take place. During mental relapse the recovered addict becomes ever more conscious of his or her desire to continue with an addictive behaviour. Often the individual will reason the addiction will be more manageable ‘this time around’. If advice is not sought swiftly the consequences could be life-threatening as the addiction returns and old levels of tolerance are no longer present.

Our relapse prevention plan

At Tower Counselling  we take considerable pride when it comes to our relapse prevention programme.  Our clients relapse rate is much lower than rehabilitation industry averages and our successful completion in treatment is much higher than that national average. Notwithstanding our stellar relapse prevention record some of our patients will invariably relapse upon their return to normal life. Relapse occurs in spite of the many hours our therapists and medical staff devote into each rehabilitation programme.  Relapse is ever-present risk for all those in recovery for the remainder of their life.  Our relapse prevention programme thus builds in safeguards to prevent relapse from occurring in the first place and importantly in ensuring a firm process is in place should relapse occur.

Once our patients leave our residential rehabilitation centre an after-care support team will be put in place.  This support team acts as the first point of contact should relapse occur.  A helpline is provided to our patients.  Relapse prevention supplements what is learned during residential rehabilitation and both aim to ensure recovery is as uninterrupted as possible.

The relapse prevention plan you receive will be fully tailored to your needs.  This plan will be set out upon leaving our rehabilitation centre. You are able to read about our after-care programme here which details relevant facts accounted for in an after-care and relapse prevention plan.

To learn more about our relapse prevention plan at the Ayurva Clinic call today on (+44) 0845 467 0612.   Alternatively. you are able to contact our centre by e-mailing us.

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