Пристрастяване към пазаруване

Пристрастяване към пазаруване

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Пристрастеността към пазаруването е състояние, при което човек страда от принуда да купува неща. Принудителното пазаруване и харчене често се описва като модел на хронични, повтарящи се покупки, които трудно се спират и в крайна сметка водят до вредни последици. Пристрастяването към пазаруването понастоящем няма отделна диагноза в Наръчника за диагностика и статистически данни за психичните разстройства, но се счита за нарушение на контрола на импулсите и има функции, подобни на други пристрастяващи разстройства, без да включва употребата на упойващо лекарство.

Shopping Addiction Statistics

About 6% of women and 5.5% of men are compulsive buyers, according to a 2006 study from Stanford University in the American Journal of Psychiatry. A survey done by creditdonkey.com found that:

  • 31.7 percent of respondents said they “almost always” or “frequently” purchase things just because they’re on sale.
  • Nearly 11 percent of those polled said they frequently shop to improve their mood.
  • 47.4 percent said they experience a rush of excitement when they go shopping.
  • 18.5 percent said they have frequent arguments over money.

While many people shop beyond their means and buy things that they don’t need, a compulsive buyer will lose control over their shopping, and this addiction will greatly impact the rest of their life. They will suffer not only financial consequences from shopping, but also relationship problems, emotional issues, and their commitments and responsibilities may also suffer. Shopping addiction can easily lead to hoarding, as the person begins to acquire more things than they physically have room for. Other compulsive shoppers suffer from addictions like drug addiction and alcoholism, or from other mental health conditions.

Symptoms of Shopping Addiction

Individuals that suffer from compulsive shopping often use their shopping to meet a need. They may shop to reduce stress, to improve their mood, or to forget about their problems. For compulsive buyers, shopping gives them a feeling of euphoria and a rush of positive emotions, much like a drug addict feels when he or she gets high. Just like a drug addict, a shopaholic cannot stop their activity simply by trying hard enough.

Compulsive shoppers often feel the need to buy things because it helps them feel in control. Someone who has suffered emotional trauma in the past, or who experienced chaos in their life, or who feels powerless because of a bad relationship may turn to shopping to gain control.

The American Psychiatric Association has developed a list of symptoms associated with shopping addiction that individuals can use to help determine if they have a compulsive shopping disorder. Individuals that experience more than 4 of the following may have a shopping addiction and should consider getting professional help:

  • Shopping or spending money as result of feeling disappointed, angry, or scared
  • Shopping or spending habits causing emotional distress in one’s life
  • Having arguments with others about one’s shopping or spending habits
  • Feeling lost without credit cards
  • Buying items on credit that would not be bought with cash
  • Feeling a rush of euphoria and anxiety when spending money
  • Feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or confused after shopping or spending money
  • Lying to others about purchases made or how much money was spent
  • Thinking excessively about money
  • Spending a lot of time juggling accounts or bills to accommodate spending

Treatment for Shopping Addiction

Принудителното пазаруване често изисква професионално лечение под формата на терапия и техники за промяна на поведението, за да се преодолее. Хората, страдащи от пристрастяване към пазаруването, трябва на първо място да се справят с основните причини за натрапчивото си пазаруване, а след това да работят за управление на задействащи магазини. Много хора в процес на възстановяване също преминават финансови курсове и се насърчават да наблюдават всичките си покупки, да плащат само пари в брой за артикули и да създават строг бюджет. В Tower Counseling можете да получите индивидуална програма за възстановяване във всичките четири наши лечебни центрове. За повече информация ни се обадете на телефон ( 44) 08454670612 или ( 44) 07593809574 или изпратете ни имейл

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