Drug Detox at the Ayurva Clinic
For more information of to discuss your requirements telephone ( 44) 08454670612 or ( 44) 07594808574 or email
At the Ayurva Clinic we are able to offer variety of detox and treatment packages.
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Opiate Detox
We are able to offer 3 different detoxification regimes if a person has been using opiates or opiate based prescribed medications.
This is the preferred medication to use if a person is currently already taking methadone at levels of 40mls or more per day prior to their admission to the Ayurva Clinic.
This is the preferred medication to use if a person is currently taking methadone of less than 40mls per day or they have never had methadone in the past.
Buprenorphine (Subutex)
This is the preferred medication to use if a person is currently taking Subutex to control their opiate use.
We regret that we cannot offer a Subutex Detox if the person is not already prescribed it prior to their admission to Ayurva Clinic.
HEROIN-Specific Detoxification & Stabilisation Treatment
The Lofexadine Detox.
If a person has been using 20mls or less of Methadone per day or if they haven’t used Methadone at all, the preferred detox regime would be Lofexadine.
Lofexadine is introduced on the day of admission. On the morning after admission, a small amount of methadone is given as a one off dose. This is to help the transition of the person having used opiates regularly to not having any opiates. It also gives the Lofexadine chance to become established in the person’s blood stream.
As part of the Lofexadine detox, we also use Remedeine (dihydrocodeine and paracetamol) and Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) to help combat any aches and pains the person may experience and also use Oxazepam (short acting benzodiazepine) to help alleviate any feelings of anxiety. For the first 4 nights, to help establish a regular sleeping pattern, we use Zopiclone (sleeping tablet) to aid sleep.
A Lofexadine detox lasts for 10 days.
For More Information Telephone us on ( 44) 08454670612 or ( 44) 07593809574 or email
COCAINE & CRACK COCAINE Detoxification & Stabilisation Treatment.
Duration: Normally 2 weeks, but is dependant on each Client’s needs.
How do we medicate?
Cocaine tends to be psychologically addictive rather than physically addictive .With this in mind and to help alleviate any anxiety that Clients may experience during the first few days of not using cocaine, we medicate with a short- acting Anxiolytic in reducing doses over a 7 days period.
Clients have always found this to be most beneficial, in that it takes the edge off any anxiety that may otherwise be experienced – in this respect, everyone responds differently.
What is Stabilisation about?
Physical withdrawal symptoms tend to be very minimal, if at all. Accordingly, Clients are encouraged to participate in group work at an earlier stage – so being able to start the process of gaining insights, information and education into their addiction much sooner than would be the case with other drugs.
In addition to the Medical Detoxification, Clients also have the benefit of:
• Acupuncture to help reduce anxiety and stress.
• Massage sessions to help reduce any aches and pains which may be experienced.
• 24 hour support from Qualified Nurses, Support Workers and Addiction Therapists.
METHADONE-Specific Detoxification & Stabilisation Treatment
Duration: The length of a methadone detox depends on the amount of the initial starting dose, but is on average about 14 days.
(If the client is using other substances as well as Methadone, please click the appropriate link above)
The Methadone Detox
If a person has been using 40mls of methadone or more on a daily basis prior to admission, the preferred detoxification regime would be reducing amounts of methadone.
Prior to the methadone detox commencing, we require written confirmation from the methadone prescriber regarding the daily amount of methadone prescribed.
Once the person enters and Ayurva Residential Rehabilitation Clinic for Detoxification, our medical staff will commence the Client on the same dose they have previously been prescribed.
This amount is reduced by 5mls daily until a daily dose of 20mls in total is achieved. This is then reduced by 2mls daily until nil is required. To help the person through the last 10 days of their methadone detox, we introduce Remedeine (dihydrocodeine and paracetamol) and Oxazapam (a short acting benzodiazepine) to help combat any residual feelings of pain or anxiety.
All females are pregnancy tested prior to any dose of any medication being given. If a female Client is pregnant and this is known prior to the Client being admitted, a letter from the client’s Consultant Obstetrician will be required to confirm that it is safe to commence detoxification prior to the client’s admission.
In addition to the Medical Detoxification, all Clients have the benefit of:
Acupuncture to help reduce anxiety and stress. Massage sessions to help reduce any aches and pains which may be experienced. 24 hour support from Qualified Nurses, Support Workers and Addiction Therapists.