Tower Counselling have been helping people recover from addiction since 2009. Contact us for more details
Acupuncture is becoming a complementary treatment in addiction recovery programs. Auricular or ear acupuncture is a popular form of this treatment that involves shallow insertion of a thin needle at various points on the skin of the external ear to help ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.
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Receiving acupuncture during and after your addiction treatment can: Help reduce craving .Increase patient retention in rehab.Ease unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.Ease physical pain.Help the person regulate emotions.Decrease anxiety and stress.Help regulate sleep. You may have cravings for alcohol or drug for months or even years after you have chosen to quit using or become sober. Sometimes these cravings disappear after a few minutes. Other times, they persist and can, if you do not seek help, lead to relapse.
The specific characteristics of cravings and the treatment for them can vary based on the drug you were addicted too. Knowing the signs and symptoms of cravings can help you identify them and, importantly, cope with them. Some general signs and symptoms of cravings are: Preoccupying thoughts about the substance.A desire to return to old using environments or see old using friends.Wanting to use drugs or alcohol when in the presence of them or near something that reminds you of them.Buying substance-related paraphernalia.