Drug Facts
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How much do you really know about drugs? How much about what you know about drugs is actually fact and how much is just a myth?
In England, the Misuse of Drugs Act is the main law that covers illegal drugs. Under the terms of the Misuse of Drugs Act, drugs are classified as A, B or C, with class A being the most dangerous and class C being the least dangerous (although class C drugs can still pose a serious risk to your health).Stress is a major factor in drug use and abuse.People take drugs in order NOT to feel.Sadly, nearly two-thirds of people in drug abuse treatment report that they were physically or sexually abused as children. Child abuse is a major contributing factor to drug addiction.Drug use and addiction is linked to at least half of the major crimes in this country, as at least half of the suspects arrested for violent crimes, such as homicide and assault, were under the influence of drugs when they were arrested.If you or a loved one has a drug problem, there's a lot of support and help available.Drug abuse can exacerbate an underlying mental health problem80% of people with mental health problems self medicate with drugs or alcoholIn 2007, 10.5 per cent of adults had used one or more illicit drug in the last year.6.3 per cent of adult had used an illicit drug in the last month.The use of any Class A drug in the last year has increased, from 2.7p er cent in 1998 to 3.4 per cent in 2005/06, mainly due to a rise in the use of cocaine powder.Men are more likely to take illicit drugs than women, 13.7 per cent of men compared with 7.4 per cent of women took drugs in the last year.People living within the South West Government Office Region reported higher levels of any illicit drug use, compared to the total for England and Wales. For Class A drugs, the highest levels were found among those living in London.For 15 year olds, 52 per cent reported ever being offered cannabis with 18 per cent having ever been offered cocaine and ecstasy in the last year.The total number of deaths related to drug misuse in England and Wales increased from 829 in 1993 to 1805 in 2001 and was 1608 in 2005, an increase from 1495 in 2004.206,889 individuals aged 18 and over were recorded as in contact with structured drug treatment services in England in 2009/10. During 2005/06 181,390 people were in contact with structured drug treatment services. This is a 13 per cent increase on figures during 2004/05, where the number was 160,453 and more than twice the number in 1998/99.Overall, heroin was the main drug for which people received treatment (64 per cent of all treatments), whilst for clients aged under 18, it was cannabis (67 per cent).Only 1.2% of problem drug users in contact with the statutory drug-treatment systems under the NTA enter rehab. In 2008/9, it was 4,711 out of 202,000 users, or 2.3%. In 2009/10 numbers fell to 3,914 out of 320,000 users. Source Addiction Today 14th March 2011) if you want treatment go privately.The use of illicit or licit, psychoactive drugs incur harm which continue throughout families and generations. Methadone is used as a prescription medication for heroin. However, it is more addictive and harder to withdraw from, and is the second-greatest drug killer in the country
If you have a problem contact us, we can help
If you feel you or a loved one has a problem with drugs or alcohol, or are even an addict contact us. We have a variety of options available to help you fully recover.